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Chapter Twenty-Three


Political correctness and politically-motivated science rises with the rule of man. As the rule of rational law gets steadily replaced in America with the rule of irrational man, personal self-interests dominate the political process…namely the personal desire for political power, thus for winning votes and popular support. That dark, power-seeking agenda that rises with rule of vote-gathering man leads to manipulations and distortions of reality in order to hoodwink larger portions of the population…for public support, more votes, more political power. Pseudo science rises to round up a large public following toward “a noble cause”…or to scare up a large public following against an “impending disaster.” Similarly, more and more issues of political correctness rise in attempts to woo votes from more segments of the population.

Unfortunately, as seen in sister America, those contortions of reality in order to win votes and political power, disrupt and destroy the natural order of society to evolve and improve. For example, implementing and enforcing pseudo-science legislation, regulation, and litigation upon a society drags down the geniuses and greatest benefactors working hard to improve and evolve society. The creation of new businesses, jobs, products and wealth — the natural order of evolving and improving society — get shackled and pulled down by cost-prohibitive, political-policy legislation, regulations, and litigation such as global-warming regulations, for example.

Moreover, politically-motivated special interest groups rally around politicians looking for votes from segments of the population. Again, the distortions and contortions of reality used to drum up followers and more votes and political power always hurt the natural order of society to evolve and improve.

Hamilton-America, backed by the Prime Law, has just one purpose for government — protection. Therefore, no pseudo science or political correctness rises here or retards the natural order of society to evolve and improve. Hamilton-America mines and drills its energy sources, embracing the natural order of society to evolve, improve, and protect itself. As the radical environmental groups and ethicists “raise hell” in sister America, Hamilton-America just shrugs as sister America and her citizens sink into a living-hell of poverty and terror. Hamilton-America enjoys the natural order of society to evolve, improve, and protect itself. Hamilton-America grows enormously healthy, wealthy, and safe. Sadly, sister America slowly dies in poverty and terror.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Remember what kicked off the great boom of Hamilton-America: no taxes. Hamilton-America will not introduce taxes in any form. Therefore, Hamilton-America imposes no tariffs. Obviously, that creates an uneven playing field for Hamilton-American products that face tariffs when exporting to other countries. However, the Great Technological Revolution occurring only in Hamilton-America not only levels the playing field, but outcompetes foreign products in uniqueness, higher quality, and lower prices. Even with high tariffs, the costs of Hamilton-American goods fall to fractions in most industries due to the Great Technological Revolution, similar to what the world witnessed during the personal-computer revolution.

Hamilton-America welcomes foreign products into the country without tariffs. Hamilton-America is consumer-dedicated and guarantees the conditions that bring the lowest prices and highest quality to its citizens. The secret behind Hamilton-America’s prosperity is: the government gets out of the way and lets businesses compete for consumers. Indeed, in Hamilton-America, consumers are royalty and soon live like kings!

As sister America and her politicians and bureaucrats struggle to level playing fields and gain tax revenues, American businesses continue to sink under the weight of the rising rule of man and his politically-motivated laws and regulations.

Here in Hamilton-America, there are no politically-motivated laws and regulations. Just the opposite. In fact, Hamilton-America welcomes all products from all over the world to openly compete with domestic products in order to bring the highest quality and lowest prices to the people. Hamilton-America enforces, through the Prime Law, a government that gets out of the way of the natural order of society to evolve and improve. The voluntary-pay, protection-only government needs no tax revenue, wants no tax revenue, and has no legal authority to collect tax revenue. Therefore, the natural order of society can evolve and improve at a rapid rate as we saw within the computer society…a microcosm of the Hamilton-American society.

Hamilton-America takes long, sad glances at dying sister America as her organs — her businesses — begin to fail and shut down, one after another.

Chapter Twenty-Five


In America, the rule of man — rule of vote-gathering man — reaches wherever it can summon substantial votes. Parents want good education for their children, and therefore education is a political target for rule of vote-gathering man. When education, medicine, or any profession or industry becomes politicized, the steady descent of efficiency and effectiveness begins. Put another way, the chokehold of inefficiency and ineffectiveness begins as exemplified by America’s ineffectual educational system.

The role of government in Hamilton-America is simply to guarantee the conditions for happiness and prosperity by protecting the people from initiatory force. The Prime-Law prevents government from going beyond its sole purpose of protection. Therefore, no rise of the rule of man — vote-gathering man — can occur in Hamilton-America’s government. Its government cannot politicize education, medicine, or any profession or industry. The educational system in Hamilton-America does not follow the pathetic path of sister America.

The wealth and prosperity among citizens of Hamilton-America leads to a far superior private educational system in which parents vote with their feet. Instead of a dumbing-down effect as in sister America, here there is a smartening-up effect. Here, the geniuses of society are born. The universal wealth from the Great Technological Revolution in Hamilton-America enables every parent to easily afford private education. It becomes part of the cost of living, which is extraordinarily low in the only country to ever experience the Great Technological Revolution. That low cost of living delivers the world’s highest standard of living and produces the world’s best educational system. Sister America struggles to graduate students who can read. Hamilton-America graduates students who can create. They go on to create great values for the world and great wealth and prestige for themselves.

Chapter Twenty-Six


As American citizens lose their jobs and savings, the government continues to increase its debt and, therefore, the long-term tax burden on the people and their children. The culprit is the rising rule of man — of vote-gathering man. Seeking to win substantial segments of the voting public, politicians race further and further into the entitlement-game. Bringing more entitlements to more segments of the population attracts more votes. Today, the weight of the budget is collapsing upon America. And as it does, the politicians continue to call for yet larger and larger budgets, demonstrating there is no more hope for sister America.

Hamilton-America is limited by the Prime-Law to a protection-only budget. The sole purpose of government is protection from force or threat of force, which includes all that is needed for protection at the federal level and at the state level such as military, intelligence, police, courts, prisons, veterans pensions.

A protection-only budget does not and could never include entitlements beyond veterans’ pensions and veterans’ war-caused disabilities. The rule of (vote-gathering) man cannot hijack the budget in Hamilton-America. Moreover, the most remarkable phenomenon occurs: in the pure freedom of Hamilton-America, the Great Technological Revolution — something the world has never before seen — makes all the people rich. Buying power soars so dramatically that every Hamilton-American citizen lives like a millionaire.

The Prime-Law and its Protection-Only Budget guarantee the conditions for such a wealthy millionaire-like standard of living for everyone. Therefore, the people gladly and voluntarily pay their fair share of the substantially smaller budget. The government itself can never violate the Prime Law — can never use initiatory force on its citizens, can never force anyone to pay taxes. Citizens realize that such pure freedom is a precious gift from their great country of wealth, health, and peace. They proudly, patriotically, voluntarily pay their government to guarantee the conditions for such a beautiful life.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


America’s ruling class (i.e., the rule of vote-gathering man) uses distortions and contortions of reality often through pseudo science to snare votes. The resulting burden on business and technology increasingly sinks companies, research-and-development projects, jobs and wealth. Because everyone cares about our land, water, and air, the environment becomes a prime target for using pseudo science to snare votes. Indeed, the rule of man and his distortions of reality for votes reaches more and more aggressively into American’s gullible, close-to-the-heart love for nature. Politicians and bureaucrats put more and more cost-prohibitive “environmental” regulations upon American businesses, technologies, research-and-development projects, and investors. Well, those businesses, technologies, research projects, and investors have begun to fail at an alarming rate! Jobs, wealth, raw materials, products, and future products rapidly vanish from the American economy! Yet, America never learns her lesson, for parasites (i.e., the adapting bacteria-like rule of man) cannot stop themselves before killing their host.

Hamilton-America stands by, free of America’s raging internal infection. The good Americans who can no longer go down with their country leave for Hamilton-America. In the end, it is Hamilton-America that rescues Americans.

In Hamilton-America, the environment, as does everything else, answers to the Prime Law. That means an individual can do anything on his or her property as long as it does not directly harm any other individual or his or her property. No broad-sweeping, consensus-building pseudo science can rise in Hamilton-America and burden business, research, science, and their investors. No, government cannot hurt job-and-value-creating business and science in Hamilton-America. The Prime Law does not allow it. Therefore, Hamilton-America is the most friendly nation to business, research, and science. As sister America experiences a systemic failure of her businesses, Hamilton-America experiences an explosion of new businesses. Moreover, the land, water and air get dramatically cleaner in nature-loving Hamilton-America than in any other place on Earth. Why? For every demand confronted by the Great Technological Revolution, soon comes the new technologies to supply the demand. People love clean air, water, and land. Therefore, the Great Technological Revolution in Hamilton-America quickly evolves new technologies that effectively remove pollutants and other environmental concerns. Instead of wilting under pseudo science, Hamilton-America blossoms with pure science.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Sadness & Fear

When a person dies, often great sadness and fear set in along with hopelessness and helplessness. Those feelings describe the feelings that increasingly fill America today. Indeed, as those feelings tell us, America is dying.

Hamilton-America, by contrast, is filled with happiness and confidence along with enormous hope. Hamilton-America and its people say their good-byes to the once-great America as she falls. But Hamilton-America stands strong, filled with youthful vigor and energy.

The younger generations in America face a frightening future in a dying and hated country. The younger generations in Hamilton-America face an exhilarating future in a thriving and respected country.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Wealth & Security Forever


The rapid rise of wealth on Main Street, Hamilton-America is not a bubble that will eventually burst, for it is a function of costs falling to fractions.

In America, prices became falsely inflated such as home prices during the real-estate bubble that burst in 2008. The prices of homes were wildly inflated, and when those prices came crashing down, people’s wealth vanished overnight.

Markets in Hamilton-America, enjoying the Great Technological Revolution, do not falsely inflate prices. In fact, the Great Technological Revolution brings prices down, down, down…making the people permanently richer, richer, richer. People’s new-found wealth is here to stay…never seen before, because a purely free country was never known before.

In America, bubbles continue bursting. The people cannot stay afloat, even with all the “life-savers” the ruling class keeps throwing into the turbulent economy. Prosperous Hamilton-America tries one last time to show America that the ruling-class — the vote-gathering rule-of-man — cannot help the economy. In fact, the ruling class can only hurt the economy. But sister America does not listen. Her people keep asking for interventionism and socialism…and so they drown in poverty.

Indeed, poverty (split-A, America) loses the split-run to prosperity (split-B, Hamilton-America). …Hamilton-America is, unfortunately, only a hypothetical country. We do not have that wonderful place to move to. And to untangle generations of adapting and resurging rule of man and his choke hold on America — strangling her with agenda-law, ego-justice and political-policy regulations — seems too massive and simply impossible. Where would we start? How long would it take? But there are two very simple and relatively rapid ways to remove rule of man’s stranglehold on America: the Prime Law of Protection and the Protection-Only Budget. With a Prime-Law Amendment to the U.S. Constitution or with a Protection-Only Budget — both explained next in Part Two — the rule of man would end; the rule of flawless law would begin, and America would quickly become Hamilton-America…all its citizens would become wealthy, including the poor! Indeed, Part Two next, Prime Law, shows us the practical, effective way out of America’s Catastrophic Era and into the Great Technological Revolution, the era of great wealth, health, and peace.

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